General Practice
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Join Rony for doctors
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your medical programs & events in one click
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Get an easy access to unlimited content, conferences, tailored for you
Curated essentials
Curated essentials
Curated essentials
Discover a carefully curated selection, from concise summaries to tailored events – each designed to suit the needs and preferences of healthcare professionals with busy schedules.
Coming soon
Neurology program
Coming soon
Neurology program
Novo Nordisk
Endocrinology Program
Novo Nordisk
Endocrinology Program
Sanofi Pasteur
Paediatric program
Sanofi Pasteur
Paediatric program
Radiology program
Radiology program
Robotic surgery program
Robotic surgery program
Why use Rony as Healthcare Professionals ?
Why use Rony as Healthcare Professionals ?
"Rony has made organizing and attending medical events incredibly simple. It's an essential tool for any healthcare professional."
Pr. Kayik, Cardiologist
"The platform's user-friendly interface makes it easy to stay updated with the latest medical research and network with other professionals."
Dr. Mark Thompson,
General Practitioner
"Rony offers a centralized hub for all my professional needs, from resources to networking. It’s been a game-changer for my practice."
Dr. Olivia Brown,
"It helps me stay connected with upcoming workshops and conferences. It’s perfect for keeping my skills up-to-date."
Pr. Loumis, Neurologist
"It’s streamlined and incredibly helpful for staying current in my specialty."
Dr. Jung,
Orthopedic Surgeon
What is Rony for Healthcare Professionals?
How does Rony facilitate collaborations between healthcare professionals?
What types of resources and events can I find on Rony?
Is Rony free for healthcare professionals?
How can I sign up to organize an event or receive collaboration opportunities?
What is Rony for Healthcare Professionals?
How does Rony facilitate collaborations between healthcare professionals?
What types of resources and events can I find on Rony?
Is Rony free for healthcare professionals?
How can I sign up to organize an event or receive collaboration opportunities?
What is Rony for Healthcare Professionals?
How does Rony facilitate collaborations between healthcare professionals?
What types of resources and events can I find on Rony?
Is Rony free for healthcare professionals?
How can I sign up to organize an event or receive collaboration opportunities?
Our mission is to simplify and optimize interactions within the medical community by centralizing access to resources, knowledge, and events necessary to improve the quality of care.